Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby Trend Sit-N-Stand Plus Strollers

Link: Baby Trend Sit N Stand Plus w/Parent Tray The Deluxe Sit-N-Stand has all the great features of our traditional Sit N Stand plus a full second seat and two shade canopys! By removing the rear seat it converts easily from a tandem stroller to a traditional Sit N Stand. The Sit N Stand will accommodate an Infant car seat carrier in the front while the older child sits on the rear bench or stands on the back platform. It has a large storage basket and a full size canopy. There is a convenient one hand fold system removable front child tray and a covered parent organizer with cupholders. The stroller accommodates most brands of infant car seats. The Sit-N-Stand is the ideal stroller for families with an infant / baby and an older toddler. Add our matching #1 rated infant car seat and create a travel system instantly!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Love My Mum

!±8± I Love My Mum

There are 75 Million Moms in the United States of America alone. And most are single parents with 70-80% of teen pregnancies unintended. Yes unintended! Despite what most people may think female teens, tweens or adults do not go to a bar, nightclub, apartment or house with the intention of having a Baby. Even if they wanted to conceiving or birthing a child is a Universal Miracle. Indeed, there are some who secretly or openly plan for a specific person or guy to Father their child and some will do anything to make sure they get pregnant. But, not all pregnancies or the result of being a Mother comes by choice. Far from it.

Concerning dating and pregnant mothers the world is rapidly changing and what baby-boomer's were once use to the population of the present and future is not only technological but as colorful as a rainbow. The Mother stats by age and race of a Mother living in the USA shows an extremely diverse population in the now and future. And as America has now sworn in the first Black American President diversity is firmly rooted in all present and future generations of the United States of America.

Do You Support Your Mother?

Oprah is a legend for supporting mothers around the world. The late Mother Teresa was also a great activist and supporter of children teens and mothers of all cultures and races. The late Princess Diana was also another great Mother of the world activist. I believe love for a Mother after God is the first love of all. Mothers have to lay down their lives each time they go to delivery and birth. This is regardless of the age of a pregnant Mother. Female teens who get pregnant face many struggles and health risks from the time of conception through to birth and thereafter. A Mothers life or mind is never the same as another. Yet, collectively as pregnant mothers the USA is experiencing a high rate of pregnancies that many observers including politicians and parents are deeply concerned about.

In the USA (59%) of female teens have their first experience of sex with someone 1-3 yrs older. This may sound high but for the 21st Century I think teen girls in the USA are sticking within their age group limit. This should send out a warning and also free dating education lessons never try to date a female teen if you are considerably older.

In other parts of the world countries such as Ethiopia, India, Pakistan and some Arab countries adolescent pregnancies (girls under 16) are dangerously popular. The UNFPA is trying to educate and tackle the dangers of adolescent marriages and pregnancies in Ethiopia. If one truly respects and loves a Mother they will not place under 16 year old girls in health and medical danger. Perhaps, some countries and cultures need to examine the way they love, sex and marry. An adolescent girl faces four times the risk of maternal death and in India and Pakistan due to the dowry most families do not want new-born baby girls so they abandon the child and in some cases look down on the Mother for birthing only girls. Back in December, 2009 a 12 yr old girl died while giving birth in Yemen.

England is the worst in Europe for obesity and teen pregnancies. Repeat teenage pregnancies in England and Europe are also on the increase. Few government officials around the world can conclude or explain the growing trend of teenage pregnancies. I believe the Music Industry especially that of Hip Hop and its promotion of sexually explicit dancing and flirtatious lifestyles added to pornography widely available on the Internet FREE in most cases for your name and email address, plus the invention of chat rooms and technology where now a teen or child can use their cell to get sexually aroused. The last time I visited a newsagent or grocery store adult magazines were still high on the top shelf now children and teens have cell-phones, lap-tops, video games, social networking, chat rooms and PC's most parents do not understand.

Do you Love Your Mother?

A Mother is the birthing of all nations, cultures and creed. She is the womb of the world every Mother is universally connected of Spirit to spirit. Of course, equally there is no birth or delivery without the intercourse or sperm of a Man. This is why we all need each other and for us all to embrace Universal Love a good place to start is respecting one another. I did say... ONE ANOTHER. This is a two-way street or one-way together Male and Female as a couple.

No Mother desires to be alone and sit there in her beauty untouched, unloved, unnoticed or unappreciated. A Mother yearns daily for touch, love, acknowledgment, gratitude, a smile, appreciation so she can be recharged, energized and pour out her undying love into tomorrow. If Heaven and Earth had no Mother there sure would be no world.

I invite you all as fellow citizens of the world Male and Female to join me as we promote love for all mothers regardless of their country or location in saying I LOVE YOU MuM.

I Love My Mum

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Beyond Biofeedback - Therapeutic Communication With Children

!±8± Beyond Biofeedback - Therapeutic Communication With Children

It seems that while communication has gotten faster, it has also become sparser. Why write a whole sentence when you can text the idea in three letters and an asterisk? Why stop to talk and possibly get engaged in a lengthy conversation when you can shoot out an email in seconds? Taking the time to converse at length with other people has apparently become rather bothersome in our culture.

The other day this became critically clear to me when I saw a woman walking with her daughter (in a stroller) and her dogs around the block. She strode purposefully and made it clear that she was working out and she had other things to attend to. It was not a pleasure stroll. She had a cell phone to her ear while her daughter occupied herself silently.

The effects of this new, light-speed communication has its grip on teenagers, too, who, last I remember, used to get in trouble in school for all the talking they did with each other. Last week, I saw a group of five teenagers bouncing around the mall in an odd, disconnected and silent clump-each one had a cell phone in his or her hand, texting someone other than the kids they were with.

It is not necessarily their "fault," either. These were probably the same children who were sat down in front of televisions when they were bored or restless or needy for attention. Or they were given headphones and a Sony Walkman to soothe them to sleep instead of a lullaby sung to them while being held.

The overarching question, however, is what this disconnect may mean for the next generation when we know that communication-both verbal and non-verbal-is the foundation of social and personal wellbeing and how can parents reverse this trend?

Organic Biofeedback

Children learn who they are in the world via an organic form of biofeedback. Machines are not necessary for attentive mothers to know their children are not feeling well. Nor are they required for us to communicate positive or negative responses to children. Our intentions and emotions are manifest on a consistent basis. When we are happy with them, they know it in the lightness of their hearts. When we are disappointed, they feel it in their guts as if they'd been physically punched. Everything we say and do communicates and that communication is received by them not only cognitively but, perhaps more importantly, physically.

If this is true, then the current trend towards cyber-chatting as opposed to face-to-face communication, may not only present a problem for party-goers and event planners, but a real issue in terms of our emotional and physical health.

What we say addresses not only the mind of the person to whom we are speaking, but the body. We physiologically and genetically respond to words, ideas and beliefs. In his book, The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton draws a picture of the human organism as a vital, interactive community of more than 50 trillion cells, each one with individual intelligence and responsiveness that facilitates cooperation and uniform function.

In order for an organism to be healthy and vital, all these cells must be able to communicate with one another. That occurs along the membranes of the cells. When the membranes are open and adaptive, information passes freely between the cells. Healthy blood cells, for instance, have flexible membranes, while unhealthy blood cells have rigid ones. In Lipton's terminology, the unhealthy ones become "protective" and unyielding, while the healthy ones are "open" and growing.

What accounts for the difference?

According to Lipton's early observations of cellular response to toxins, it's the environment. The environment not only affects the cell, it affects the cell's posture and receptivity to other cells.

But, as we are coming to see, it's not just the physical environment we need to concern ourselves with. It is the way in which we receive our experiences, the beliefs we hold about ourselves, and the words we repeat in our minds (as well as the images they create) that determine whether a cell becomes "self-protective" and closed or "adaptable" and open. The "environment" includes not just what we see or eat, but what we hear and feel.

What makes this important in terms of communication with children is that not only are they hearing what we say (whether or not they have the cognitive and linguistic abilities to fully understand us), but they are receiving our communication at the cellular and genetic level.

Beyond Biofeedback: Words Are Medicine

The American Medical Association advises parents to talk to their children as often as possible. And when words fail to come readily, they explain that just a parent's voice and presence is what a baby needs to feel reassured. They state: "Always respond to your newborn's cries-he cannot be spoiled with too much attention."

Other professionals, particularly those in the field of Speech and Language Development and Education, call upon parents to interact with their children on as many levels as possible. Do things together. Talk while you do them together. Make eye contact, body contact.

When words are recognized as medicine, we take it a step further. We call upon parents, educators, caretakers, and medical professionals to recognize the extraordinary power words have and the way in which they, too, are part and parcel of the cellular environment. Not unlike the blankets, nutrition, and open air that support and surround babies as they grow, our words help them to develop emotionally and physiologically by fostering a belief in their own ability to heal.

How does this work? How can we use words to facilitate healing in our children?

Rapport: The Foundation of Healing Feedback

The first thing that is necessary to use words as medicine is a compassionate presence. Rapport is a critical aspect of all therapeutic communication. Therapeutic communication was originally utilized in the field by first responders to facilitate healing in victims of trauma, but is now being utilized by people all over the world to help their children heal from all the kitchen variety boo-boos and challenges kids face as they grow up.

There are two parts to all effective therapeutic suggestion: Rapport and Suggestion. In order to give a person a suggestion they will follow (e.g., "stop the bleeding" or "you can rest comfortably now"), there has to be a trusting connection or "rapport" between the two of you. This is true whether the person you're talking to is a child or adult.

Gaining rapport is built on 3 fundamentals-Authority, Believability and Compassion.

Authority is the first step. When people are scared, they look for a benevolent authority to tell them what to do. They naturally look to leaders to lead them to safety. Even with adults, you see this response when a firefighter or police officer is present during a crisis. It is instinctive to all social animals.

Parents or caretakers are natural authorities and children are much more likely to follow direction from them. This is even more so when the child is hurt or frightened.

Believability is the second step. We always want to be truthful. If we're not believable-for instance, if we tell someone, "Everything's going to be okay," when it's clearly not okay-we lose rapport quickly. And without rapport our words-and therefore our suggestions-ring hollow, for if they can't believe us they can't follow us where we want them to go.

Compassion, the third step, is based on empathy-the ability to feel what someone else feels. It is not the same as sympathy, with has more of a kinship with pity. When we can share someone's feelings and still maintain a clear, calm guiding voice, we can lead that person towards healing. When we speak to someone with real compassion, that person will be able to say to himself, "She understands me."

Rapport is the track on which all communication runs. Suggestion is the locomotive, the leader that will carry the child to safety, to healing, to empowerment. When we have rapport-when a child sees us as a kind and competent authority-our words can help lead them to healing-both emotionally and physically.

Here's an example of both rapport and suggestion:

You've taken your niece to an amusement park. It's her first time. She gets onto the roller coaster with you, but you can see her grip on the bars is tight and she seems anxious. You build on the rapport you've developed over the years by simply saying, "Looks like you're holding on pretty tight there." Your niece says, "It's scary." "It's scary the first time," you pace her feelings. Then, as you take your bracelet off and put it on your niece's wrist, you say, "But now you've got my magic bracelet. You hold on to it while we ride, okay? It's easier to enjoy the ride when you know you've got magic with you." Your niece smiles, relaxing.

The Nature of Therapeutic Communication

How do we communicate to children, to each other?

With our words. With our bodies. With our spirits.

Verbal communication as a form of organic feedback can be quite simple. In Verbal First Aid (Acosta/Prager, 2002) and other hypnotherapeutic modalities (NLP, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy), it is called "pacing," a way of moving with the child wherever he or she is. So if the child is tired, we can say, "I see how tired you are." Or if the child is scared, "Oh, that was scary. And surprising!"

However, our verbal acknowledgment of another's presence, need, or emotional/physical state, is only one of the ways in which we become present to another person.

We can also do so with our bodies-the way we stop what we're doing and look at them when they speak to us, the way we kneel down to be at eye-level, the way we touch them when they are in pain or frightened.

And whether we use our words or our body language, our spirits-our intentions-are always finding a way to express what we are feeling, thinking and believing, whether we are conscious of it or not.

According to Randi Jacoby, a speech and language specialist in New York (1), "children require time and one-on-one feedback as they build their language and cognitive skills." They also require the full presence of their caretaker-whether that's mother, father, grandparent, or nanny-to reassure as well as stimulate them and prepare them for the challenges that life will present to them.

Using our words and our full-hearted presence to help children be calm and heal not only gives them much-needed relief in the moment. It gives them the verbal and emotional tools they need to keep themselves healthy for a lifetime.

1) Quoted in The New York Times article, From Birth, Engage Your Child With Talk, by Jane E Brody (9/29/09).

c. Judith Acosta, 2009, all rights reserved.

Beyond Biofeedback - Therapeutic Communication With Children

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Contours Options Tandem II Stroller, Tangerine

!±8± Contours Options Tandem II Stroller, Tangerine

Rate : | Price : $224.53 | Post Date : Nov 30, 2011 01:49:46
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Contours Options Tandem is the perfect stroller to give you the flexibility needed as a parent. For one or two kids, infant or toddlers, everyone has a great view in any direction with its reversible seats! It is the ultimate stroller with lots of options for your ever changing life style! Seats easily reverses to create 6 different stroller options: Children can both face parentFace each otherFace forwardBack to backWith front seat only and the back for extra storageWith an infant car seat. Features: Infant car seat attachment fits most car seat brands on the market.Additional car seat attachment is sold separately to accommodate twins!Both seats recline for infant's comfort Steering with two 8" front single swivel 10" rear never flat wheels Easy trigger fold and convenient Free-Stand8482; allow the stroller to stand upright! New easy-reach tray is closer to the parent and more accessible, with an open-air compartment and deeper, ventilated cup holders Other children can walk use the hold-on handles Infant head rest protects newborn's head Adjustable canopy can be raised or lowered to the height of your baby. Large storage basket Height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort Specifications: JPMA Certified Fold: 24 x 25 x 42 40 lbs. maximum child weight per seat NOTE: Only use this product in the reclined position until child can sit up unassisted The following brands of infant car seats can be used with 1 or 2 car seat adapters (infant car seat not included.): Baby Trend174; Flex-Loc Baby Trend174; Latch-Loc Cosco174; Designer 22174; Series Cosco174; First Ride DX Evenflo174; Discovery8482; Evenflo174; Embrace Graco174; Safe Seat8482; Graco Snug Ride8482; Series Maxi-Cosi174; Mico8482; Peg P233;rego174; Primo Viaggio Peg P233;rego174; Primo Viaggio SIP Safety 1st174; Designer 228482; Safety 1st174; Starter8482; The following brands of infant car seats can only be used with 1 car seat adapter stroller seat in the front pos

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Friday, November 25, 2011

The Top 10 Hottest New Toys for Christmas 2011

!±8± The Top 10 Hottest New Toys for Christmas 2011

The "Top 10 Toys for Christmas" lists are a much anticipated annual event. For toy makers it means more sales for their new offerings, for toy sellers it helps them decide what toys to spend their inventory money on, and for consumers - the people that buy these top toys, it gives them an idea which ones the kids on their Christmas list may want the most for Christmas.

But there never seems to be just one list. Toys r'Us puts one out, and so does Walmart and Macy's. So comparing these lists, here are the top 10 toys common to all lists.

*The toys listed are picked by category, ie. Boys, Girls, young kids, older kids, etc., one from each. And they are listed in alphabetical order, not by list position.

Angry Birds

What started as a game app for smart cell phones quickly morphed into a hot trend that quickly jumped onto the PC screen in Google's Chrome browser, and even spawned popular boxed, board, and card games. If you have a young adult with a Smart phone on your Christmas list, this is one gift to consider.

Barbie Video Girl Doll

Barbie gone digital with the introduction of the Barbie Video Girl doll. She has a video camera lens in her necklace, and a viewing screen in her back. Little girls and Barbie fans will love taking short videos, (up to 25 minutes), from the doll's perspective, and then viewing them right on her back, or transferring them to a PC.

Disney's Cars 2 Movie Toys

Ol' Mater and Lightning McQueen lead the charge of hot new toys from this Disney offering. Lights & Sounds vehicles are the top choice for younger kids, while their die-cast collectibles and track sets are hot picks for older kids and collectors.

Fisher-Price iXL 6-in-1 Learning System

The iXL uses touch technology to give 6 ways to play: Digital Reader, Game Player, Note Pad, Art Studio, MP3 Player and Photo Viewer, all packed into a durable kid-safe package.Another great learning toy from Fisher-Price.

Fushigi Magic Gravity Ball

The Fushigi Gravity Ball seems to defy gravity by appearing to float in mid-air. No tricks or strings -- just combine hand manipulation with its spherical reflective design and amaze your friends. You can feel like you are defying the laws of gravity with your very own hands.

LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Board Game

LEGO has combined their traditional building block sets with a movie themed game, (Harry Potter of course), to come out with a top-pick Christmas gift that kids build first, and then play. This top toy appeals to both LEGO and Harry Potter fans.

Nerf Guns - The New Vortex Series

Nerf has changed the game by changing their ammo. The new Vortex Nerf guns shoot round foam and rubber disks instead of the traditional foam darts. Added to that major change, Nerf also incorporated a new design that gives these Vortex Blasters longer range than any previous Nerf guns.

ReCon 6.0 Programmable Rover Robot

The ReCon 6.0 Programmable Rover is a robot, a toy, and most importantly, a learning tool! Kids can program the Rover to navigate specified courses to; surprise a family member with a personalized message, carry a soda, or deliver a treat to a pet. A sure hit for the techno and robotics kids on your list.

Singamajigs Singing Dolls

These zany dolls, the Sing-a-ma-jigs, stormed to the top of kid's must-have toys in 2010, and with all the new additions introduced for 2011, including new 2-doll duets, they look like they will top the "Top Toys For Girls" lists for Christmas 2011 also.

Tonka Ricochet 4 X 4 RC Vehicle

Radio-controlled toys are always a hit, and this new Ricochet 4 X 4 is the latest and greatest in the RC market. They zoom, they tumble, and they roll right back upright to follow your commands. Backed by Tonka's reputation for quality construction, this is an RC toy that will last longer than Christmas day.

These are just some of the "Top Toys for Christmas 2011" choices, there are a lot more top-picks available for different age groups and interests. To see more, and make your gift selection easier, and save money too - check out these top-rated must-have new toys - complete with pictures, details, customer reviews, and direct links to some of the lowest prices available online at: Top Toys for Christmas 2011

The Top 10 Hottest New Toys for Christmas 2011

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why Buy Sit And Stand Strollers?

!±8± Why Buy Sit And Stand Strollers?

Sit and stand strollers are a good choice for families that has a second child that is close in age to the first one. When using sit and stand strollers parents give their toddler the ability to choose whether they want to stand on it or walk on their own. This is important for a child that is growing up to have some independence.

Most sit and stand strollers feature a classic seat like a normal one and a bench that will receive the older child. Sit and stand strollers are ideal for parents that want to go shopping or for a walk and need to bring an infant and a toddler with them.

Different models of sit and stand strollers

There are various models of sit and stand strollers that are available on the market here are two types that clearly stand out of the lot:

Baby Trend Sit-N-Stand 7339 LX-PT Granite Stroller

This is one that has the ability to receive a car seat inside it. This is a good thing for parents that are seeking for ways to quickly transport their infant from the car to the stroller. This also features cup holders and is made from durable and washable materials. This one is designed for holding two children of 45 pounds (one on the platform and one in the seat) which will be sufficient for most parents.

Joovy Caboose

Another recommended model of sit and stand strollers is the Joovy Caboose. This model is a lightweight one which will suit a baby of around six months. Like all sit and stand strollers the Joovy Caboose has a platform as well as a seat. The seat will receive the infant and the platform will receive the toddler. Interesting feature of this model is that its platform contains a bench that will allow the toddler to sit whenever he feels tired. Extra features of the Joovy Caboose are that it has large storage space and cup holders that are available.

Sit and stand strollers will be great equipment for parents that have an infant and a toddler. This type will give toddlers the choice to walk or to get onto it and this can be an interesting thing for children that are looking to gain some independence. Sit and stand strollers are available almost everywhere in the high street and shopping malls or can be bought from the internet.

Why Buy Sit And Stand Strollers?

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baby Trend Sit N Stand DX Stroller, Vanguard

!±8± Baby Trend Sit N Stand DX Stroller, Vanguard

Rate : | Price : $139.99 | Post Date : Nov 13, 2011 02:19:17
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Functional and stylish, Baby Trend's Sit N Stand Deluxe is designed for the needs of the growing family! The Sit N Stand DX has a child tray that will accommodate all Baby Trend infant car seats and other major brands in the front while your older child can sit or stand in the rear seat. Standard to Baby Trend strollers, it features a parent tray with two cup holders. The Sit N Stand Deluxe features a larger canopy, a larger storage basket and re-designed rear foot platform with wheels for enhan

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double Stroller

!±8± Baby Trend Sit N Stand Double Stroller

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Oct 26, 2011 04:51:04
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The tandem Sit N Stand Double accepts two infant car seats and it has all the great features of Baby Trend's traditional Sit N Stand. Younger child can ride in front while an older child can sit or stand in the rear. This tandem stroller has a one hand fast fold, 5-point child restraint safety harness and removable/ swing away child trays with cup holders. The removable rear seat converts this Sit N Stand Double into a traditional Sit N Stand. This model accepts two car seats (sold separately) a

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